Bone & Joint


As adolescence is a period of rapid skeletal growth during which nearly half of the adult skeletal mass is accrued, this period also serves as a window of opportunity for influencing peak bone mass.

The bones of teens are smaller than those of adults and contain “growing zones” called growth plates. These plates consist of multiplying cartilage cells that grow in length, and then change into hard, mineralized bone. This happens in girls around ages 13–15 and in boys around ages 15–17.


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Humans are what we call vertebrates. This means that we are animals with a vertebral column or backbone which is the centre of our internal ‘frame’ or skeleton. The skeletal system, however, is more than just bones. It consists of bones, cartilage, ligaments, and tendons and all in all accounts for 20% of your body weight! The components of the skeletal system are made up of living tissue, meaning they need blood flow to provide them with oxygen and nutrients and take away waste products. It also means that they have the ability to change shape or remodel in response to mechanical stress (1). There are a number of factors that contribute to the health of these components, and at Bioteen we have identified a critical window of opportunity to prevent joint and bone disorders by encouraging physical activity and the right diet for teen’s.


What are bones?

Not only are bones there to support you and help you move, they also protect all the soft and squishy but very important bits inside of you (like your brain, spinal cord and heart) and also provide us with minerals when we are in need (2). In short, they are important.


Bones are very active organs which are constantly undergoing remodelling. Think of bone as a bank account where you ‘deposit’ and ‘withdraw’ bone tissue (deposits happen through the action of osteoclasts and withdrawals happen through the action of osteoblasts). During childhood and the teenage years, new bone should be added to the skeleton faster than old bone is removed. As a result, bones usually become larger, heavier, and denser (3). About 40%-60% of adult bone mass is accrued during the teenage years, and interestingly 25% of a teen’s peak bone mass is accumulated during the 2-year period around peak height velocity (which is about 12.5 years for girls and 14 years for boys). By the time a teen is 18 years old, about 90% of their peak bone mass has been accrued (4). This makes the early teen years a critical time in bone development. After the age of about 20 years old, bone resorption may exceed formation leading to bone loss. When bone loss is excessive, some people develop a disorder known as osteoporosis which appears to happen more frequently in people who were not able to reach their maximum peak bone mass during their bone-building years (aka the teenage years) (3,5). In many instances bone loss can be counteracted by getting the right nutrients (like protein, calcium, and vitamin D) and implementing other lifestyle changes (like exercise and avoiding tobacco and excessive alcohol use). Unfortunately, teens are not meeting their nutrient goals for many of these bone health nutrients (5) and that’s where Bioteen comes in.


What are joints?

Joints, on the other hand, are the mechanical ‘parts’ where two or more bones are joined together. Many joints (especially moveable ones like knees) have a layer of cartilage at the end of the bone where they come together. When the cartilage is healthy, the bones are allowed to glide over one another and prevent them from rubbing against one another (which can cause damage). Occasionally the joints are not able to function correctly, in these cases a person may get arthritis which is a term that refers to any type of disorder that affects the joints. Although it happens more frequently in older adults, it can happen in younger people as well. There are some precautions to take to reduce the risk for arthritis which involves a change in diet and exercise. One of the most important things you can do to keep joints healthy, is to exercise and eat a healthy, balanced diet that has enough protein in it. When the muscles around the joints are strong, it helps to keep the pressure off the joints meaning that there is less wear and tear and subsequently less damage in the long run (6).


Why should we care about bone and joint health?

Providing teens with the right building blocks for physical health can go a long way. This is especially true of active teens who may experience more stressors on their bones and joints than their less active counterparts, especially those that play a competitive sport. While some exercise is great for the bones and joints, too much can start to cause trouble. While good nutrition may not be able to prevent injuries related to overuse or improper training, it definitely can play a role in how fast an active teen recovers while poor nutrition can lead to conditions that increase the risk of injury.


In general, sports injuries are divided into two broad categories, acute and chronic. Acute injuries happen suddenly, like when your teen falls or twists a joint while chronic (or long term) injuries usually result from overuse of one area of the body and develop gradually over time (like shin splints or tendonitis).


Symptoms of a chronic injury due to overuse include (7):

  • Pain when you play or exercise
  • Swelling and a dull ache when you rest


In time, overuse injuries can degrade tissues and joints and set the stage for an acute injury. Basically, not sorting out the problem causes new problems, and a vicious cycle ensures.


Symptoms of an acute injury include (7):

  • Sudden, severe pain
  • Extreme swelling or bruising
  • Not being able to place weight on a leg, knee, ankle, or foot
  • Not being able to move a joint normally
  • Extreme weakness of an injured limb
  • A bone or joint that is visibly out of place


At the end of the day, avoiding injury is key. Besides preventing overuse injuries by moderating activity and incorporating appropriate rest days, focusing on proper nutrition is vital for recovery and injury prevention.


The bottom line

The teen years are seen as a critical window of opportunity for bone and joint health. If we can ensure that teens have access to the right types and amounts of nutrients during this time, there is potential for improved long term health outcomes. Most teens don’t think about long term health outcomes (it’s just not the way their brains are wired), so a handy supplement that contains the right amount of ingredients in an easy to consume form may be a good option for those days where a complete, balanced meal is just note possible. At Bioteen we are all for a food first approach, but also know that it’s not always a practical solution. Supplements like Bioteen’s are great to supplement an already healthy lifestyle, helping teens get to where they need to be!



  1. Introduction to the skeletal system [Internet]. Introduction to the Skeletal System | SEER Training. [cited 2022Nov22]. Available from:
  2. Bone Health for Life: Health Information Basics for you and your family [Internet]. National Institutes of Health. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; [cited 2022Nov22]. Available from:
  3. What is bone? [Internet]. National Institutes of Health. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; [cited 2022Nov22]. Available from:
  4. Golden NH, Abrams SA; Committee on Nutrition. Optimizing bone health in children and adolescents. Pediatrics. 2014 Oct;134(4):e1229-43.
  5. Carey DE, Golden NH. Bone Health in Adolescence. Adolesc Med State Art Rev. 2015 Aug;26(2):291-325.
  6. Healthy joints matter [Internet]. National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; 2020 [cited 2022Nov22]. Available from:
  7. Niams health information on sports injuries [Internet]. National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; 2022 [cited 2022Nov22]. Available from:




Introducing MagBoost, a scientifically-formulated blend of three distinct magnesium forms, bisglycinate, malate and citrate, complemented by the essential co-factors Vitamin D3 and B6. Here are its primary attributes:

Effective Energy Production: MagBoost is central to energy production, with magnesium acting as a cofactor, optimizing enzyme efficiency and improving overall energy levels.

Cognitive Support: Magnesium assists in neurotransmitter functions, making MagBoost integral for children's cognitive development, including memory and mood regulation.

Physical Development: Magnesium, along with other key minerals, facilitates bone, muscle, and nerve growth.

Hormonal Regulation: Magnesium is involved in the production of sex hormones, like testosterone and estrogen. It helps maintain mood and behavior during hormonal changes, especially in adolescence.

Lowers Stress & Improves Mood: Magnesium increases GABA & slows down brain activity, thereby supporting healthy mood. It also balances the output of adrenaline and cortisoL, reducing the stress response.

MagBoost is presented in a convenient, ready-to-mix drink format; just add water. Providing your kids with the magnesium they need has never been easier.


PB – Protein Boost


Bioteen's Protein Boost delivers 20 grams of premium grass-fed, antibiotic and rBGH-free whey protein per serving, formulated to meet the rigorous nutritional demands of adolescent athletes. Whey Protein is ideal for muscle repair, growth, and overall development. Enriched with essential vitamins and minerals, Protein Boost is ideally designed to complement the diets of young athletes engaged in regular sports training, supporting optimal athletic health.

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Bioteen's DailyMulti is a specially formulated multivitamin designed to meet the unique nutritional needs of tweens and teens. Packed with 100% NRV of key vitamins and minerals, including an enhanced dose of 1000mg of Vitamin C, it supports growth, development, and immune health.

Its comprehensive blend aids in bone strength, cognitive function, and energy provision, while promoting gut health with added prebiotic Fibersol®-2. Ideal for supporting the high energy demands and rapid physical changes of adolescence, Bioteen's DailyMulti ensures that young individuals receive all the essential nutrients for their overall well-being.

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