The best solution for teens study strategies is a holistic one!

This strategy ensures that the elements of self, movement, rest, nutrition, and support all work in conjunction to assist us in reaching our personal best.

Studying is all about self-management. You need to decide, what needs to be covered, how long it will take you,  how much time you have and your preferred method of study.  These are all key to setting up a successful timetable. Each time you tick off a completed task, your brain gets rewarded with a dopamine hit. It feels great! Honour your commitment to yourself and you start building self-trust, which is fundamental to building your self-confidence and self-esteem.

Exercise isn’t just for your glutes or abs, it’s for your brain too. Exercising increases oxygen flow and blood vessel growth occurs in the area of the brain associated with intellectual performance. After studying for 1,5 – 2 hours your brain is totally saturated and needs a break. Get active to help reduce stress and fire up your neurotransmitters, which are known to accelerate information processing. It’s as easy as taking the dog for a walk!

Sleep plays an important role in memory, both before and after studying.  When we are sleep deprived, our focus and attention suffers, making it more difficult to receive information. Without adequate sleep and rest, over-worked neurons can no longer function to coordinate information properly, and we lose our ability to access previously learned information.

An overall healthy diet is most important for keeping your body and brain nourished and ready to take on difficult tasks. When you sit down to study you want your brain to be warmed up and ready to go! Without the nutrition of whole foods both your neural function and brain chemistry can be negatively impacted. So eat the rainbow to make sure you are getting lots of nutrients, eat every 2-3 hours to keep your blood sugar balanced.  Keep your meals light so your body does not use all your energy to digest your food, Remember to stay hydrated as your brain needs it. Even slight dehydration can cause fatigue, headaches, lack of mental clarity, stress and sleep issues.

Remember we all need support. How can your parents help you when you are studying?  Are there specific foods you love that they can buy? Do you need the house to be quiet or do you hate studying in silence? Is there any work the teachers need to clarify for you? Is there work that you would prefer to study with friends? Make sure you ask for the help from your support system. Feeling supported when we are studying, alleviates that feeling of isolation by keeping us connected.


Down the device!

Technology seems relaxing, but your mind is still heavily processing information, it’s definitely not the same as brain break. If you need to connect with a friend, rather meet for a walk or a workout, you’ll feel more energised and positive.

Take a moment:

Here’s how:

1. Put your hands in your lap and breathe for 5 counts in, 7 counts out.

2. As you are breathing in and out, focus on the area of your heart, your life force.

3. Take a moment to get centred and hone in.

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